590 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05405

https://csfair.w3.uvm.edu/home ##ComputerScienceFair
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What is the CS Fair?

The CS Fair is a UVM event where Computer Science students (majors, minors, or just taking a class) may submit and showcase their computer projects. The purpose of the CS Fair is to give students a chance to present their work to their peers and professionals in an open and exciting environment. A panel of judges critique the student work where the prize amounts are up to $300 in UVM Bookstore Gift Cards. There are 8 categories to enter your project into, depending on its content. They include Entry Level Programming, Entry Level Websites, Intermediate Web Design, Intermediate Programming, Advanced Apps, Machine Learning, Advanced Programming, and Research Projects. Each category will have first, second, and third-place winners, allowing for the celebration of many UVM student tech projects.


Over the years, the Society of Women in Computer Science (SWICS) has played a vital role in supporting the event. They contribute by helping with website content and designing the event's free T-shirts each year, enhancing the overall experience for participants and attendees alike.


When and Where?

December 6th, 1:10 to 4:20
The Grand Maple Ballroom, Davis Center
590 Main St, Burlington, VT 05401



REGISTER ONLINE Starting Friday, November 1st




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